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Looking into the Future – A Renewed Hope for Vibrant Learning

placing the discourse and practices related to visual arts education firmly within its present context, especially that of the COVID-19 pandemic.

3 mins read
Published On : 26 December 2021
Modified On : 11 November 2024

These past two years have been unpredictable and challenging for all of us. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, our lives have been upended by lockdowns, restrictions, working from home, and schools being closed. However, even in the midst of all the pain, grief and loss caused by the pandemic, many of us got a rare opportunity to take a pause and reflect on our lives. As educators, we got a chance to reflect on what and how we teach our children.

Can children apply what they have learned in their classrooms in real-life situations? Have we adequately equipped our children with the necessary skills to manage and cope with difficult situations? Is education catering to the social, emotional, creative and cognitive needs of our children? These were some of the many questions that seemed to populate our minds, and drive us towards a more shared recognition of the importance of nurturing skills and attitudes beyond just basic reading, writing and numeracy skills. A recognition that children deserve enriching learning opportunities that enable them to understand themselves and manage their feelings more effectively, be empathetic towards others, think critically and creatively, analyze situations, consider multiple points of view, solve problems, exhibit resilience.

As the Covid-19 graph in the country shows a decline these days, many states have decided to reopen schools for children. After two years of isolation and virtual classes, children are finally able to learn and play alongside their friends.

Educators who have been excitedly waiting to welcome children back to the physical school environment, finally have an opportunity to reconnect with them within classrooms. Back at school, with a renewed sense of hope and purpose, these educators are making a concerted effort to think of myriad alternate ways to engage children and develop within them a host of essential skills and attitudes.

In their quest for an effective medium for teaching and learning, the arts have emerged as a powerful tool for children’s holistic development. The arts can foster desirable habits of mind such as the ability to observe, explore, engage, persist, envision, express, reflect and more (Project Zero). The arts can also support children’s social, emotional and cognitive development (UNICEF).

Remote Engagement Through ArtSparks Foundation’s Program

An important turn of events in the journey of arts education has been the release of the new National Education Policy 2020 with its emphasis on developing children through the arts. The NEP’s recognition of the potential and power of teaching art to children has offered a further glimmer of hope.

For an organization like ArtSparks Foundation that strongly believes in the transformative power of the arts in education, it has propelled us to think about ways to leverage this rare opportunity of policy-level recognition of the arts. It has stirred within us a desire to gather and provide further insights and practices to engage children in meaningful art experiences— experiences that can potentially turn policy recommendations into a reality. As a step towards this end, we are honoured to put together this issue of Samuhik Pahal at this critical juncture of renewed joy and hope.

In this issue, we present organizations from across India that ArtSparks has had the distinct pleasure of partnering with— organizations who are beginning to use the visual arts in a more concerted manner as an enriching tool to develop a range of skills and attitudes in the children they serve.

Their stories reverberate with the joys of observing children’s engagement, the excitement of their discoveries, their reflections on their own teaching practices. Through their voices, we are confident that you will witness the immense learning opportunities that the arts can offer, and the practices and pedagogies in art that can facilitate deeper levels of meaningful student learning.

As we celebrate the efforts of the featured organizations to implement rich art programs, we hope to also offer inspiration and provoke action amongst others like you to usher in the arts into your own spaces—joyful, vibrant spaces for learning where imagination reigns supreme, and all children can thrive!

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ArtSparks Team
ArtSparks Foundation is an educational nonprofit that works to support the development of 21st century learning and life skills in children through the medium of visual art & design. ArtSparks also supports the professional development of teachers and educators, encouraging them to reflect on their teaching practice, and explore new ways to enrich their students learning.

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