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Subir Shukla

Subir Shukla is the Principal Coordinator, Group Ignus. He works on improving the quality of the education system, beginning in 1986 when he lived in a tribal village in Madhya Pradesh for six years while working on primary education with Eklavya. He has worked extensively with government systems, as Chief Consultant (DPEP, 1995-98) and Educational Quality Advisor (SSA) to MHRD (2009-11). He has led the development of the Quality Framework for the RTE Act. He has consulted for most state governments in India and several national governments in Asia and Africa, on curriculum, textbooks, teacher training, and quality improvement
processes, especially on large scale. Subir is also the co-author of “Child development and education in the twenty-first century” (Singapore, 2019) published by Springer.

Articles by Subir Shukla

Teacher Professional Development

The origins of continuous professional development for teachers in India

By Subir Shukla | 26 March 2024