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Sushant Kumar

Sushant Kumar, a Political Science graduate from Banaras Hindu University (BHU) and a Masters in Education from Azim Premji University, is a passionate writer, editor and facilitator. Currently, he is part of the strategic
functions team at Mantra4Change. In his role as a social impact communicator, he utilizes his skills to effectively communicate the organization’s mission and initiatives. He takes pride in his ability to create engaging and impactful communication strategies, leveraging his background in development and education.

Articles by Sushant Kumar

Working with Government

Transforming public education through government partnerships – A reflection from Mantra4Change’s journey of working with the government

By Rucha Pande, Sushant Kumar | 17 February 2024

School Leadership

Examining the systemic approach to the development of education leadership

By Rucha Pande, Sushant Kumar | 7 October 2023