Past Editions
By Amrita Patwardhan | 6 mins read | 18 March 2023
Amrita Patwardhan in her essay on nurturing an ecosystem of children’s literature and reading in India, discusses the various stakeholders whose capacities need to be developed for creating a culture of reading around engaging libraries.
By Prayog team | 12 mins read | 6 March 2023
In this interviews with groups working around issues of children’s literature and equity, we bring before you challenges in producing and sharing books and narratives that speak to the diverse childhoods in the country.
By Samuhik Pahal Team | 4 mins read | 1 March 2023
It explores libraries as a space for learning and community engagement, and the immense potential and possibilities these carry to address the educational and intellectual needs of children, and adults, from deprived communities.
By Bookworm Team | 3 mins read | 15 May 2021
In addition to ‘COVID-19 Resources’ on well-being, this issue also carries an annotated list of six books for children compiled by Bookworm Goa on grief, sadness, and worry.